In this issuewe reviewThe Imaging Equipment Status Report from Keypoint Intelligence, provide a very detailed coverage of thePrint Production Webinarpresented by the Dead Pixel Society and a quick overview ofThe Indian Wedding Industry: A $150 Billion Economic Powerhouse. Our Business Review coversME Group and Fujifilm Holdings.
Brief News of the Photofinishing Industry includes: The 46th FIPP World Media Congress Report provides a detailed overview; “Printing Statistics: Printing by Numbers in 2023”; AgfaPhoto is back in the print business; Analogue Wonderland has partnered with the Kodak Film Lab at Pinewood;Do Buyers Care About AI-Generated Video?; “Film Photography Today: Innovations and Trends You Need to Know”; This free blog will reveal the top 5 proven ways to improve company culture; These seven steps could help a business achieve the right pricing strategy for its needs; Global market for large format printers estimated at $9.11 billion in 2023; “Your guide to the expansive potential of generative AI”
Post Published: 31 July 2024
Author: Don Franz
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Tags: 2023 Future of Work Study, AgfaPhoto, AI-Generated Video, Analogue Wonderland, API, application administration, Artificial Intelligence, Automated supplies replenishment, B2B, B2B2C, balance profit and purpose, Cash4Toners, Christmas deadline, Christopher Young, Cloudprinter, comprehensive shipping options, contractual relation, Coworking, customized printed products, data entry, Dead Pixels Society, District Photo, Dscoop, Enlargements, FastEditor, FIPP World Media Congress Report, Fujifilm, FUJIFILM Holdings, Garment/Fabric, Gary Pageau, Gooten, Hans Scheffer, HelloPrint, hybrid and digital processes, Hybrid work, India, Indian Wedding Industry, Infrastructure management, inhouse production, innovation, IT outsourcing, Kathleen Wang, Keypoint Intelligence, Kodak Film Lab, KonicaMinolta, large format printers, managed service providers, Martijn Eier, ME Group International, Mediaclip, Merch, online printing company, order management system, Ordermesh, Paper mills, Paul McKay, Peter Mayhew, Photo Finale, Photo Imaging News, Photo prints, photobooks, Press, Print On Demand, Print Production Webinar, Quality, Remanufacturing, Rico, security monitoring, Sensaria, Shopify, Steve Giordano, sustainability, Total Supplies Market Revenue, Trust, Upload. Customers, Vimal Parmar, VISION2030, Wall Décor, WhatTheyThink