On October 13, 2022, the B2B conference ImagingExecutives@PHOTOPIA will offer a top-class program under the theme “Intelligent Progress” for the Imaging Business of the Future” as part of the trade show and photo festival PHOTOPIA Hamburg in Germany. Information about the congress is available here: https://www.photopia-hamburg.com/en/programme/imagingexecutivesphotopia
Post Published: 11 September 2022
Author: Don Franz
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Tags: allcop, Artificial Intelligence, Canon, CEWE, di support, Foto Erhardt, Imaging Solutions, imaging+foto contact, ImagingExecutives@Photopia B2B Conference, International Contact, Marilyn Repp, Metaverse, NFT, Photo Imaging Conference, PHOTOPIA Hamburg, PIV, Ralf Haberich, Reiner Fageth, Ringfoto, Shopgate, Simone Gerwers, Thomas Bloemer, Xpozer