In this issue, we conclude our coverage of theVisual 1st Spotlight: Sustainabilityprogram and the IMI Europe Digital Print Europe Conference 2022, and begin coverage of the IPIC convention. Also, the “Phototalk” commentary by Vimal Parmar addressesPhotography Workshops : Ever-increasing demand for quality education. Numerous Brief News.. items.
In-depth review of Konica Minolta.
Post Published: 22 September 2022
Author: Don Franz
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Tags: American Direct Sales, Ballyhoo Printing & Design, Canva Print, Cardinal Camera and Video Center, Create NYC, crop factor, Digital Print Europe Conference 2022, DiLand Kiosk software, DNP, DoDxAct, Edge Imaging, Epson Europe, ESMA, FIT Engineering, Fujifilm, Harold’s Photo, ImagingExecutives@Photopia B2B Conference, India, IPIC, Jollyhook, Keepsake Transfer Center, Konica Minolta, Layflat LF2000 All-In Max,, Meteor Inkjet, PastBook, Photo Imaging News, PhotoPlus, Phototalk, Picanova, PicturePeople in Europe, Print Media Centr, PRINTING United Expo, Project Peacock Network, ProPhotoRGB, PuzzleYOU, Quality Plus Photo, Quantica, RPI, Silbersalz, Sony’s in-camera forgery proof photo technology, Taopix, The Print Factory, Timeless Photo, Vimal Parmar, Visual 1st, Visual 1st Spotlight: Sustainability